
By participating, you agree to the following conditions (you will receive more information in the informed consent after clicking the Sign Up button below)

Requirements for participation

All participants must identify as a female, be at least 18-24 years of age, be a minority student enrolled in the first two years of a U.S. based college or university, and have an interest in computer science or STEM.

Duration of participation in the project

The project will have two phases for a total of approximately 90-120 minutes: in the first phase, you will complete a survey that takes about 15 minutes and within 48 hours later you will be invited to participate in the online mini-module that takes at least 90 minutes. After completing the online mini-module, about 2-4 weeks later, you will be invited to complete the second phase, which is a survey that takes about 15 minutes. 


The researcher is the only individual who will have access to the data obtained in this project and will not use your personal information for any purpose outside of the project. Data will be stored securely on the online survey website and will be exported onto an encrypted, password-protected laptop and password-protected encrypted flash drive.  No names will be used, and all participants will be coded. Results may be published anonymously in scientific journals or be presented at psychological meetings or conferences. The email that you provide for follow-up and to be used to receive a gift, if applicable, will not be linked to your data and your identity will remain confidential.